Bambini Running Series

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MY JOURNEY - Jubilee for the mini-MARATHON runners from Oldenburg

19 days. 19 fates. 19 stories to the 41st BMW BERLIN-MARATHON.


mini-MARATHON runners from Oldenburg
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For the 10th time, a group of pupils from the Helene-Lange-Schule in Oldenburg will be participating in the mini-MARATHON. At a school sports programme, 9th and 10th grade students there begin training half a year earlier to prepare for the 4.2195 kilometres. As part of the supporting programme for the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON, on Saturday afternoon 10-member school teams run the final 4.2195 kilometres of the original marathon course, through the Brandenburg Gate to finishing line of the “big marathon”. Since that is one-tenth of the total distance, each group of 10 can compare their cumulative time to those running the full marathon. Over 8,500 participants are expected at the start.


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