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Olympic Champion to run real,- BERLIN-MARATHON!

Japanese Olympic Marathon Champion Naoko Takahashi starts in Berlin


The Japanese Olympic Marathon Champion Naoko Takahashi will run, 371 days after winning the gold medal at the Sydney Olypmic Games, the 28th real,- BERLIN-MARATHON on the 30th of September 2001.

Returning from Australia to Japan NaokoTakahashi received a heros welcome and is now one of the most popular athletes in Japan.

After the extra-ordinary and demanding effort Naoko Takahashi was using a lengthy recovery period and is now using a long build-up to prepare for this years real,- BERLIN-MARATHON.

The steep carreer of the 29 year-old athlete started in 1998 with a win at the Asian-Championchips in Bangkok in the time of 2:21:47. She recorded a further success in posting a win in 2:22:19 at the Nagoya Marathon in the spring of 2000. Her next marathon was the Olympic Marathon in Sydney which she won in the Olympic record time of 2:23:14.

The fast course of Berlin might experience another Japanese victory as the strongest marathon runner prepares her spare races very conscientous.

The real,- BERLIN-MARATHON is welcoming the Olympic Champion and will also continue its tradition of honouring a Olympic Champion with a portrait on the medal which every of the 30,000 finishing runners will receive – who else could it be than Naoko Takahashi in this year?


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